Our Projects


The Sundial Society Birkenau is always working on new projects. A collection of them you can find below.

Documentation of Sundials

On our website you can find all sundials of Birkenau. You can look for special sundials or download a complete list.

If you have built a new sundial or find a new one, you can contact us in order to complete our list.

Vacation Games

The Sundial Society Birkenau offers summer vacation games for children aged between 8 to 14 years. The participants learn about the sundials in Birkenau and handicraft a paper sundial of their own.


Workshop Sundial Construction

In March 2015 we offered a workshop in order to learn how you can construct a sundial of your own.



We participated in the Day of Open Gardens in Birkenau




Business exhibition in Birkenau.                                                                                                .


Offering Souvenirs at the Hexentanzplatzfest in May 2018 and participation at Mach mal Blau in Birkenau in September 2018