A visit to the Museum of Time in Rockenhausen - what better way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Birkenau Sundial Society? The museum was founded by the tower-clock and sundial expert Knut Deutschle. It houses a large number of impressive tower-clocks, but sundials are not neglected either.
On Sunday, July 21, the Birkenau Sundial Society invites you to an event to celebrate its tenth anniversary. The event will take place from 2 to 5 pm in the meeting room of the town hall in Birkenau. There will be a flea market, talks and surprises for the participants.
The sundial association in Birkenau was delighted to receive a generous donation of 250 euros. The sum was the result of a creative fundraising campaign by a local supermarket.
This sundial made of crowncaps has won a certificate of honor in the category "Ecological sundial" in the competition of the French sundial magazine "Cadrans solaires pour tous".